Drive it… to the top of the Dales with Morgan owners

Morgan car owners in the north are planning to mark St George’s Day by driving to the country’s highest pub, the Tan Hill Inn, high in the Yorkshire dales.
The event, on Sunday April 22, will also coincide with the Federation of British Historic Vehicle club’s “drive it day”.
The club wants the day to impress on the Government what a big movement there is of classic cars who generate more than £1-billion in exports. Its industry employs 28,000 people.
The event is being organised by the Yorkshire Centre of the Morgan Sports Car Club and their secretary Neil Edwards said: “With Morgans being such a wonderful example of all that is good about Britain and being the oldest independently owned family owned car maker in the world what better way to celebrate St George’s Day and ‘drive it day’ than by getting as many Morgans as possible to visit this famous hostelry?
“We are hoping a record number of Morgans will assemble with all clubs and sections invited. It will also be an occasion when owners of old, interesting and classic vehicles will be able to show their ‘pride and joy’ and demonstrate to the Government how important they are to the country’s economy.
Contact Neil Edwards on 01535 670498 or