Quad Lock review – A clever and secure solution for when you need to mount your phone… anywhere!
Quad Lock review: DAVID HOOPER reviews a selection of Quad Lock products which make attaching your phone to your bike, or keeping it charged in the home office, so much easier.

WHO says the power of advertising doesn’t work – it certainly has in this case! Quad Lock has been filling my Facebook feed for some time and as I got to thinking about how best to mount my phone on my bike for our upcoming trip around Scotland on the North Coast 500, I decided to have a closer look at this innovative Australian brand.
I was impressed with what I saw – they offer a complete solution four people with active outdoor lifestyles. Whether you are a runner, a cyclist, a biker or even an office worker, Quad Lock has something for you.
The website helps you build the right system for you and your phone. I started by ordering a mounting bar which attaches to the inside of the bike screen from China – it took weeks to arrive but when it did was ideal for the job.

In the meantime the Quad Lock system was also on its way. The basic pack comes with a handlebar mount and various sized rubber collars to fit different sized handlebars.
To this you can add a mounting head, or as I did a weatherproof charging head, so if you are running sat nav on your phone on the bike, the Quad Lock system will keep your phone charged, so long as you have one of the later smart phones that supports wireless charging.
I also ordered a new case for my phone and a screen protector which despite taking some time to get on never quite fitted properly in the top left corner leaving a gap which I couldn’t eliminate.
As further protection you can also have a snug fitting plastic poncho for your phone which keeps the rain off should the heavens open while you’re out and about.
There have been some issues with vibration on motorcycles damaging the delicate camera systems in some mobile devices, but clever Quad Lock has come up with a solution and created a bespoke dampener to cushion most of the vibrations thereby preventing damage to your expensive phone.
This fits neatly under the charging head and is really easy to fit once you get your head around how it all works and fits together, but at first as I laid everything out in preparation for the build, it reminded me of a jigsaw puzzle! It didn’t take long to work out how it all went together though.
The charging head comes with a choice of USB cables – One is long enough to feed through your bike and under the seat if you have a USB connector hidden in there which of course is more waterproof than having it on the bikes dashboard.
However I have a touring bike with a 12 V socket fitted so I went for the USB 12 volt adapter which is easy to connect or disconnect when not in use.
I am really pleased with the entire system which works really well. My phone is now mounted in my line of sight rather than being positioned

lower down on the handlebars which means I’d have to take my eyes off the road to see it, and the phone stays fully charged while I am out and about on the bike even if I have the sat nav app on all the time.
Another handlebar mount allows you to connect your phone to your pedal cycle as well – another worthy investment for the keen cyclist, but one of my favourite Quad Lock accessories is the desk stand which also comes complete with a USB cable and a charging head, so in these days of Coronavirus and video calls you can plug the desk mount into a USB outlet on your PC and keep your phone charged well you are talking to customers, clients or colleagues.
It’s a great accessory, a simple modern design and made of robust metal so will not fall over when you attach your phone to it. The desk stand has proved itself to be a real boon for my home office.
The beauty of the Quad Lock system is that one phone case fits all the different kinds of accessories – next on the list for me will be a self charging unit for the car so I can just plug my phone onto a connector which will then charge it as I drive.
Check out the quad lock website to see these and many more of their innovative solutions for people on the move. We rely on our phones so much today for all sorts of things, making phone calls is probably one of the last things we use them for now, but they are certainly part of our lifestyle and the Quad Lock system makes them integrate seamlessly in all the various places where we want to use our phone and keep it charged while “doing things“.
Quad Lock isn’t cheap, but it is good, and I am impressed with the quality of all the items I ordered which have so far worked faultlessly for me.
For more information, or get your own Quad Lock mounts and accessories, visit www.quadlockcase.co.uk
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